Water Aerobics Classes and Exercises Online

If you care about your clients, you’re gonna want this.

Ability Fix provides a unique platform for wellness professionals enabling you to offer the benefits for aquatic fitness to your clients. It’s the perfect supplement to the work you’re already doing or an excellent way to expand your treatment to enhance long-term client care.

With the Caregiver Access, you can log into your own profile to manage your clients’ workouts, schedule routines, track progress, and much more! Select pre-made workouts, or build customized routines; then all your client has to do is download the app, hit play, and listen to the professionally guided exercises through waterproof Bluetooth headphones or speakers.

Better than
printable HEPs.

Picture this; instead of handing your clients a printed home exercise program and sending them on their way, you could impress them with a complete solution to help them follow through with their fitness.

The app will allow you to fully customize and track workouts to ensure that your clients are getting the right exercises. You can also filter out contraindicative movements to accommodate clients who are recovering from surgery, injury, or have limited mobility due to a specific condition. If you don’t have the time to create custom exercise routines, you can easily select workouts that have been created by our certified aquatic fitness trainers. Every custom or premade workout is automatically organized into a complete warm-up, conditioning, and cool down routine.

Printed HEPs can be easily misplaced, are often difficult to follow, and you won’t know if your clients are actually doing the workouts. The Ability Fix aquatic fitness app is a complete solution to encourage your clients to follow through with making progress and brings the benefits of aquatic exercise into their routine. It’s the perfect alternative to standard HEPs and provides added value that your clients will love and boost your business.

Enhance pain reduction.

Many of your clients are seeing you for the sole purpose of reducing their pain. Aquatic exercise is known to support pain reduction, and we have taken this a step further by including Ai Chi workouts within the app. Ai Chi is a water-based practice that was developed from Tai Chi and Qi-Gong, and it has been clinically proven to reduce pain. Ai Chi movements are specifically designed to improve range of motion, decrease joint stiffness, and mindfully improve balance. When you include Ability Fix into your wellness regimens, your clients will experience more significant pain reduction, which all reflect back onto the quality of your care.

Learn more about pain relief.

It’s like adding an aquatic
facility to your business.

Many wellness professionals do not have access to aquatic facilities, yet know how much water exercise could benefit their clients. Ability Fix brings aquatic exercise right to your clients’ phone, and clients can exercise at their gym, community center, YMCA, or their own swimming pool. When you take advantage of what Ability Fix has to offer, you will show your clients that you’re willing to go above and beyond to ensure they get the best results.

Stay top of mind.

With Ability Fix, there are many ways for you to increase top-of-mind-awareness with your clients. Our online forums are a niche platform for you to contribute your best tips, tricks, and advice with your clients, as well as the entire community. Develop a following through our social network and even communicate directly to your clients right within the app.

Better results = more

As a physical therapist, trainer, or wellness professional, you know that the success of your business is directly proportionate to the quality of care that you offer. Water exercise coincides nicely with the help that you provide, and when you use Ability Fix, you will be empowering your clients to experience better results. In your field, better results means more business. Other features you will love include:

Set Goals - Set goals that line up with your clients’ wellness goals right within the app.

Scheduling - Schedule workouts with your clients to help them follow through.

Friendly reminders - We all forget from time to time. Setup notifications to remind your clients to get moving.

Try Ability Fix today to see how it can help your business!

Audio & Video Instructions.

Video instructions make it easy to learn the proper techniques. Every exercise includes a 1-minute instructional video showing you every aspect you need to know to do it right.

All exercises have both audio and visual easy-to-understand guidance that are carefully worded to provide you clear cues throughout your workout.

You can even play any music background you like, while still listening to the audio portion.

Cast, or stream to
any device.

Ability Fix works with any device, including laptops, tablets, cell phones, Smart TVs, casting, and Bluetooth devices.

A laptop set up near your pool will allow you to watch as well as listen.

A mobile device within 30 feet will allow you to listen to your workout via waterproof Bluetooth headset. Got a TV near your pool? - Cast from your cell phone.

Download your workout for uninterrupted viewing if wi-fi is slow or unavailable.

Learn more about each ability level.

Click to see a which level is right for the person you

Very light to moderately light intensity for those who are challenged by balance, mobility, and strength.

Moderately to intense workouts for those with few or no physical limitations.

Very intense workouts for those who are fit and capable of vigorous exercise.

Additional Features

In addition to customizable workouts, Ability Fix offers a variety of features to keep you on track!

Get Started

You already know you need to work out. There’s no need to wait to experience better quality of life today.

Ready to get started?

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